
Are life transitions normal?

Are life transitions normal?
10 Jul 2023

Are life transitions normal?


Are life transitions normal?  A life transition refers to a significant change or shift that occurs in a person’s life. It can involve a period of adjustment and adaptation to new circumstances, roles, or identities. Life transitions can be triggered by various factors, such as developmental milestones, personal choices, or external events.

Often when we are younger often we can breeze through a transition, leaving primary school for senior school, going off to Uni, accepting our first paid employment role, and getting married and becoming a parent. Life transitions are a normal and inevitable part of the human experience. As we get older, often there are more things and people to consider and more obligations to navigate when we are looking to change our life.  Life transitions can be prompted by a desire for personal growth, self-discovery, or the pursuit of a more authentic and fulfilling life. Individuals may feel a need to explore new possibilities, expand their horizons, or align their lives more closely with their values and passions. Life transitions are often intertwined with the natural process of ageing. As we move through different life stages, we encounter new responsibilities, changing priorities, and shifting roles that necessitate adjustments and adaptations.

Life transitions can evoke a wide range of emotions and challenges. They often involve letting go of the familiar whether that is people, places, beliefs about the self, or religions as we adjust to new circumstances which seem more in tune with the person we want to be. As we adapt to change, we can experience a whole host of emotions ranging from excitement to anxiety. We begin to navigate new territory without a guaranteed outcome. As humans, we don’t always like change and life transitions, whether planned or unexpected can totally disrupt our sense of stability and routine.

While some transitions are anticipated and planned for, others may occur unexpectedly or be imposed upon us. This might be a partner asking for a divorce, a job role or promotion that was expected but given to someone else or a loss of interest or connection in a long-term friendship. These triggers can really make us question who we have become, they can shake our very foundations and make us question the certainty of life and the security of the future.

The occurrence of life transitions is a natural part of the human experience. It’s important to recognise though that transitions can be opportunities for personal growth, self-discovery, and learning. They provide us with the chance to develop new skills, expand our perspectives, and discover new aspects of ourselves.

If you are experiencing a life transition it can be comforting to talk with someone going through the same life overhaul, seek support from friends and family and ensure that your self-compassion is turned up to the max so that you can gently traverse this new terrain with self-care, understanding and kindness.

Effective communication becomes crucial during life transitions. Partners need to share their feelings, concerns, and expectations openly. Offering support, understanding, and actively listening to each other can foster a sense of connection and collaboration during times of change. It can be so important to try to work through life transitions as a team. By supporting each other, maintaining a strong connection, and adapting to the changing circumstances, couples can successfully navigate life transitions and grow together through the process.

If you would like help with your midlife transition or to find direction in the second half of life, why not read The Midlife Crisis Handbook or join other people going through a similar experience on one of our courses where a supportive and welcoming learning environment is provided.