
Supporting you through midlife
and its challenges

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Courses supporting you through midlife

If you’re aged between 40-60 and any (or all) of the following statements resonate with you, you might be in the early or middle stages of a midlife transition:

  • I’m so bored
  • I know I need a change, but I’m unsure how to change
  • I feel stuck in my life
  • My duties and responsibilities make me feel trapped
  • I hardly recognise myself
  • I know what I’d like to do but I can’t motivate myself to do it
  • I feel like I’m just killing time till retirement
  • I want to feel passion and joy again
  • I feel my relationship has passed its sell-by date
  • I want something new in my life
  • I feel like I’m at a crossroads in my life and unsure of which way to turn
  • I need something different but don’t want to upset anyone
  • I feel angry and frustrated a lot of the time
  • I need a change but the thought of it scares me
  • I’m scared of making the wrong choices and making things worse
  • I often think ‘what’s the point?’
  • I’m selfish if I try and make time for myself instead of others
  • I feel like I’m on automatic pilot a lot of the time
  • I feel like I’ve lost my mojo
  • I feel like my life lacks meaning
  • I avoid people, situations and my feelings by drinking, eating or other addictions
  • I feel guilty that I feel so unhappy when everything looks okay on the surface

Many people find midlife tricky to navigate

Recognising that many people can feel disconnected from their life as they reach their middle years, Dr Julie Hannan wrote The Midlife Crisis Handbook- Finding Direction in the Second Half of Life to help people experiencing a transition of identity answer ‘Who am I, now?’. An identity crisis can affect anyone at any age. This can be very unsettling, but it seems to be particularly impactful for midlifers.

People find contentment and emotional stability in midlife when their identity and integrity are based on an internal sense of self. This means they really connect with the person they are and feel they are living a meaningful life according to their own values and goals – a life they really resonate with. And that is where The Midlife Academy can help. We run courses to guide you through this turbulent passage and out the other side. We help you find direction in the area or areas of your life troubling you the most such as relationships, career, family, social, health, sex and intimacy, joy, finances and begin the process of recalibrating them.

Providing courses in an uplifting supportive learning environment for individuals and couples alongside others experiencing the same challenges, over a few days you will clarify how you got to this confused place and most importantly a way forward on your own unique path to future possibilities which support the person you want to be within a life with meaning and purpose.

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